Getting a massage can be a great experience! It is important to know what will take place and how it will happen. Read below to learn what happens before a massage, during and after the massage. You will get a chance to learn more about the full process and how enjoyable it can be. So grab a drink, and let’s get started!
Before the Appointment
When scheduling your massage appointment it can be tempting to place it right after another activity, but this will make you feel rushed. When you are in a rush, it will take much longer to relax and be receptive to the massage session. You will want to schedule your time so that you can arrive in a relaxed state, and not be in a hurry. You will also not want to eat right before your massage, so that your body is not processing food during the session. Also make sure that you are drinking plenty of fluids.
The beginning of the appointment will involve a health and history screening. You’ll be asked questions such as:
- Medical issue
- Problematic areas
- You amount of pain
- How you normally treat you discomfort, and what increases the pain
- Your general contact info
The next step before your appointment will be the interview. This will be an in-depth session concerning your massage, what you would like to work on, and what to expect. This is a good time to ask questions, and find out about the style of massage that you have requested. It will also give the therapist a good chance to gauge your discomfort and find which areas need to be worked on immediately. When you are ready you will dress down as far as is comfortable and lie down for your session.
Your first massage therapy session
The therapist will set up the room. Remember that you can ask for changes to make you comfortable, such as if you are cold, or wish to let the massage therapist know that you are uncomfortable with specific areas of your body being touched. The massage therapist will typically drape your body with a towel across the parts that are not currently being massaged. Some therapists also play music, and if you wish you can make requests to change the music, or how you are draped as well.
To get the most from the session just try to relax, let your thoughts wander, and do not focus on stressful thoughts. Some practitioners recommend that you focus on the feeling of the massage to clear your mind. If you are having trouble or tension in your muscles, then let your therapist know as they may need to change their technique. It is normal to experience differing emotions and it is okay to speak, but you may benefit more if you let your worries go.
After the massage
After the session the therapist will exit the room. Take your time to get dressed and ready to go, then when you leave the session room you will want to get some water, as this will help clear your body of stress. Once you are done, try to take the rest of the day off to receive the full benefi of the massage. The benefits of massages will be more advantageous if you get a massage regularly. As you get more comfortable with the process you will find that you are more relaxed, and even energized after your massage session.
Here are some frequently asked questions you may have after your massage treatment:
Should I go back to my job?
It is not recommended as you will not receive the full benefit of the massage, and your stress could return.
Is the massage oil bad for my clothing?
No, the oil will not harm your clothing, but if you wish, wear some comfortable workout clothing.
Should I Tip?
Yes, it is a sign of respect for their services, so a tip is a good idea. However, if you tip, be sure to tip regularly for each visit.
Finding and selecting a professional massage therapist for your first massage therapy experience
There are enough unknowns when it comes to your first massage session, so find a skilled massage therapist with a solid reputation to ensure that your experience is a positive one. Take a look at the business and individual therapist profiles and read massage therapist reviews from verified customers to find a good match. Once you’ve found a therapist you’re comfortable with, checking their availability and booking them online will get you started on your path to your first massage. Enjoy!